Double Slabs

Double Slabs


Missing Textures

flatbea-t opened this issue · 30 comments


When unloading a chunk that has a mixed slab, upon reloading the texture is missing. Only occurs with vanilla slabs, glass slabs from Glass Cutter mod are unaffected.


Does this error still persist in the latest versions for 1.15/1.14?


Sweet thank you!


Sweet glad it's finally fixed!


I'm going to post this here as I believe it is relevant if you want to play with both Immersive Portals and Double Slabs. There is a fix that can be enabled on the immersive portals end using the client config. Simply change model_data_fix = true in the config and that should fix the issue with the missing texture showing. This does however come at the cost of performance but I thought this was worth mentioning


I'm not really working on much at the moment apart from trying to iron out as many bugs as possible with DoubleSlabs as I feel as a mod that it has all of the features I would want it to have and had planned to achieve. I have an idea for another mod that I want to work on but I don't think it will be quite as big of a change as this mod has been. Been really fun working on it though!


Which Minecraft version are you using?


Which Minecraft version are you using?



Thanks, and which version of the mod?


I have the same problem. I AM playing version 1.15.2 with double slabs version 1.15-2.2.5. for some double slabs (my feeling being twice the same slab), the texture is sometime replaced by black and pink block.


Can you tell me which slabs you combined for this to occur so I can see if I can reproduce. Also is there anything in the console which may be useful?


Do you have any other mods installed?


Can I have a mod list please to see if there are any conflicts? I'm going to try and see if I can recreate the issue myself. Might help me figure out why this is happening ☺️


Thank you and yes, Immersive Portals just feels like something vanilla should have and should add in 1.16 especially with the improvements on loading speed between dimensions. Hopefully they will take a look into it!


@CJMinecraft01 just testing out your changes. They seem more stable. Like I can't replicate the issue as easily as before, it now just seems more random.

Also, interestingly it seems to not have the missing textures when looking through the portal like before.


I'll do more testing later today and can try to provide more feedback, though from my quick and dirty testing, I think it is as we suspected an issue with the loading of chunks and how Immersive portals is doing it.


So if you want to replicate this issue with a short mod list, Use immersive portals and your mod.

  1. Place two slabs together (do this a few times with multiple slabs variations as sometimes they work fine, others they don't)
  2. move outside of the double slabs render distance and build a nether portal.
  3. Enter the portal and than return to the overworld through the portal.
  4. Go to the position of the double slabs.

I had to disable immersive portals because of this. Though that mod looks cooler, your mods mechanics are way better, so my friends and I choose to keep your mod in the list over immersive portals. I was actually coming here today to report this issue when I found this thread.


So just to clarify, this is a compatibility issue between DoubleSlabs and Immersive Portals?


@CJMinecraft01 I will confirm this is the only way I have been able to get this issue to replicate. In my testing I found the steps were a great way to reproduce the issue. I can't confirm if it is immersive portals specifically or the way a chunks are loaded.

Because if you add the slabs outside of the portal and walk to the other side, you will see the missing textures icon, though it appears when you walk back through the portal the textures fix themselves. However, if the slabs are further away from the portal, they do not fix themselves.

I spent only about an hour testing and these are the two mods causing the issues. I am just not sure why it fixes itself when the slabs are near the portal, but not when they are further away.


Same here. I feel like it has something to do with chunk loading and syncing the data to the client as the missing texture is only provided when my custom DoubleSlab model cannot find the slab from within the TileEntity.
The reason why the slab does not fix itself, is that inside of the custom model, it stores a cache of models which are generated when the model first renders for the unique block types, so that should you combine multiple slabs of the same type, you do not need to generate the model again, but simply load a pre-generated one. When the model discovers that one of the slab variants are null, then it caches the missing texture. I'm going to tweak this behaviour which means that it should not cache should one of the slabs be null just in case that fixes anything but I highly doubt that it will affect it.


I am reading some of the issues on immersive portals, and people appear to be having this type of issue across multiple mods. Meaning its likely to be a major issue with how immersive portals loads chucks. Meaning, I appreciate the work you are going to do, and I hope it will work. But I suspect this is something, that will most likely need to be fixed on that mods end.

Edit: And like I said before, if I have to choose between two mods, your wins. It adds a cool mechanic that feels vanilla and works great. Though, I have to admit, Immersive Portals is a really cool feature.