Double Slabs

Double Slabs


[1.16.5] Waterlogged vertical slabs deleting randomly

Atrodei opened this issue · 4 comments


Apologies for any formatting issues, first time putting in a github issue. Love the mod, using it in a large personal modpack on lan 1.16.5. Mod Version: 1.16-3.6.0 (I am aware its out of date, waiting on another mod to update in our pack to update all mods to current 1.16.5 versions, however I did check changelog and didn't see anything that seemed like a fix for this issue, unsure if it replicates in updated versions, sorry.)
Was making a build with some dolomite blocks in various forms from Create mod and an odd thing has been happening. Intermittently we are finding vertical slabs missing. We investigated and found that only waterlogged vertical placed slabs are randomly vanishing after some amount of time. They are still there sort of, as you can see in pictures, and show a missing texture in the equivalent of our waila mod. Unsure if this has been brought up yet, didn't find it in active issues, and it isn't just create blocks. We tested it with random other blocks in slab form. Also it doesn't matter if we craft them into vert slabs or if they are simply placed vertically. All holes in pictures are places were slabs were visible, some have also moved into the opposite position, either forward or back from originally placed.
2021-09-19_22 38 15
2021-09-19_22 38 49


My apologies that I didn't include this in the first post, but I am using optifine. Its required for a few visual resourcepacks I'm running, however all other rendering seems fine so far.


Hi there! Apologies for the delayed response, had a really hectic year at university so have only just got round to checking the issues with the mod. Does this still happen and if so would you mind checking what the F3 screen says (I'm assuming it will say something that the top and bottom slab is null in the debug info). Thanks!


Awesome! Thank you so much!