Double Slabs

Double Slabs


(1.18.1) Game crashing after double slabs are placed

RenoIsHere opened this issue ยท 6 comments


So it appears that whenever you go to place two different slabs on top of eachother in this specific version. The game crashes and gives the following error code.

The game crashed whilst tesselating block model Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'net.minecraftforge.registries.tags.ITagManager net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.tags()' Exit Code: -1

Not too sure if this is specifically a 1.18.1 problem or what, but I've tested it on like 3 worlds. All of which resulted in the same crash and the same message.


Hi there! Would you be able to provide the full crash log please?


Hi there! Thanks for posting this! Is this something you could test in 1.18.2 for me. I suspect there was a name change between versions which is causing this issue


Hi there! Thanks for posting this! Is this something you could test in 1.18.2 for me. I suspect there was a name change between versions which is causing this issue

Works perfectly fine in 1.18.2, as you can see in the following image


Awesome! It seems that I am correct, do you specifically need a 1.18.1 version? (I will update the mod page accordingly)


Awesome! It seems that I am correct, do you specifically need a 1.18.1 version? (I will update the mod page accordingly)

If that's possible. That would be wonderful!