Double Slabs

Double Slabs


Vertical slabs not rotating with Create structure (Train)

ToastVerbot opened this issue · 0 comments


Vertical Slabs will not rotate together with the rest of the Train structure.

When building a train with vertical slabs, at a station facing north for example. If said train is assembled, moved to a different station that is facing a different direction and disassembled there, the vertical slabs will still face the direction they were originally placed in instead of being rotated with the rest of the train.

Moving the train back to a station facing the direction the train was originally built in and disassembling it there will put the slabs back in the intended position.

Station A facing east with the slabs in the intended position

Station B facing south with the slabs now facing the wrong direction

Mod Version:
Minecraft: 1.18.2
Double Slabs: 5.0.0
Create Mod: 0.5.0.e
Forge Version: 40.1.84

I also tried this with vertical slabs from Quark. It works correctly there but Quark slabs are very limited and don’t provide the same features this mod does.