Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Suggestion disable item dislocator pinging sound

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments


i would really like a way to disable the annoying pinging every time the magnet sucks something in. if there is already a way to disable this i cant find it.


This will be in the next release.


I think with you commit 4570abb, the magnet ping plays constantly, even when nothing is being picked up.

This is your new code:
if (flag || !DEConfig.disableDislocatorSound) {
I think it should be:
if (flag && !DEConfig.disableDislocatorSound) {


I can confirm that my dislocator now plays the ping constantly.


Brandon figured it out in smp yesterday.. 76dff8b Fix is live on curse also.


Funny the bugged version made it into the latest Direwolf20 pack... However great to know this so we can at least "disable" the constant pinging and get back the usual behaviour. I never found the pickup sound annoying, but it's very annoying when it plays constantly :)