Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Question about private server making money on this mod.

Plzmtic opened this issue · 3 comments


Hello, i would like to ask you about one server i found, they are restricting awaken stuff from mod until you pay 20 dollars for it. If you make awaken or spawner from your mod they just disapear.
Thanks for responding


No. Even if i was ok with this which i am not it also completely violates the minecraft EULA.
If you need to restrict access to DE items then your only option is to disable them completely.


Then that server is violating mojangs eula and will probably be getting a letter from the mojang legal team at some point. I dont want servers selling access to my mod but i wont take any legal action myself because violations like this also violate the minecraft eula so mojang should take care of it for me.