Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Texture Animation Issues

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments


mc: 1.12.2

Issue: the textures are flashing without translative frames and are going to fast with that people might have seizures that could normally play minecraft so....

I suggest adding interpolation to true and slowing down the frametime.


Ok.. What textures? what block / item / entity?


the block I am looking to see if there are any besides Draconian ore and variants


That look is intentional. I do understand your concern but i think if thats enough to give someone a seizure then that person probably shouldn't be playing modded minecraft because i have seen much worse than that from other mods not to mention rendering bugs.
That said that texture is probably due to be replaced so when i get to it i will replace it with something a little less flashy.


draconium ore and all variants need adjustments and slower frametime and possibly interpolation to true in mcmeta

generator change frametime from 2 - 3 looks better transitions and Nothing questionable anymore about that
disloacator increase frametime by 1-2 ticks don't have to but, if you want to be safe and family freindly
increase grinder_front_active by 1 tick min looks better anyways


Well tell that to my cosin then who has epilepsy. she said was starting to give her a really bad headache after 3 seconds

At least put a warning sign on your curseforge page then if your not going to do minor edits to stop seizures