Upgrading Wyvern armor/tools to Draconic makes them lose upgrades
nullifiedcat opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Base information
- Minecraft version: 1.12.2
- Mod version:
- Minecraft Forge version:
- Mod Pack: custom
I've applied some Basic upgrades to my wyvern tools and armor, and after I've upgraded them to draconic (fusion crafting), upgrades were lost and I had to apply Basic again. I think upgrades should stay on item.
Can confirm, same draconic version using the FTB Revelations pack. Had a Wyvern Chest with Wyvern full upgrades in it. When upgrading to Draconic, all upgrades were lost. Including the energy stored in it.
Can you please confirm that the modpack you are playing is not changing the recipes of the armour,
If this is the case that is what is causing this to happen.
Pack was without recipe changes, but it had hard recipes enabled in DE config
(I stopped playing the modpack long ago)
Version was listed in the issue head:
Mod version: