fake player in chunkloaded chunks acks like real player for mob spawns with no despawns
Prophious opened this issue ยท 6 comments
well what i'm meaning by title is that when i have chicken chunk spotloader(this is what i used, but might still happen with normal chunkloaders not just spotloaders) loading the chunks where the draconic evolution mob grinder is, its causing mobs to spawn, but not despawn
basically when i teleported to my mob spawners/grinder(ender IO powered spawners, not active at the time of teleport and for a long time before) there was over 800 mob entities near, it was very difficult to move
but i have no real idea why there was over 800 mobs near when i teleported there
the mob spawner/grinder is in the nether
version of draconic evolution is "Draconic-Evolution-1.7.10-v1.0.1-RC-4" i know there is an update but have not updated yet
Are the mobs being spawned by a stabilized spawner? If this is the case they would never despawn. This has been fixed in one of the latest versions.
no, the mobs that would spawn are like the normal spawning(zombie pigmen and skeletons in a stronghold), but only in the chunks that are loaded with spotloaders/chunkloaders
the spawners were off(ender IO powered spawners), tho not sure if any spawned in in the mob holding cell(i dont know what to call it) the floor is lined with conveyer belts and lead to the mob grinder
not totally sure if this makes sense to you tho.... let me know
Yea i know what you mean. But i dont think there is anything in de that could do that.
i'll double check this in a few days with just DE, Ender IO, and chicken chunks (along with cores that are needed)... then i'll check with just ender io and chicken chunks to see if it still happens if it happened at first