Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Magnets on FTB Revelation 2.0.0

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


Base information

  • Minecraft version: 1.12.2
  • Mod version: Draconic-Evolution-1.12-
  • Minecraft Forge version: forge-1.12.2-
  • Mod Pack: (if applicable): FTB Revelation 2.0.0

Hey there, Brandon! On our FTB Revelation 2.0.0 server, we've been having some lag spikes ever since our re-launch a couple days ago, which we have been profiling whenever we can. In a lot of the profile snapshots, there is a common occurrence: magnets. I don't suppose there is much that can be done on your side to help minimize this, as we're currently out of ideas on what more we can do.

A few screenshots of the magnets appearing in the snapshots can be found below:

Hopefully a fix of sorts can be found


I will need to look into this but i suspect this is not directly caused by the magnets but rather by massive numbers of entities / items within the magnets range. I may be able to improve efficiency a bit on my end but if you have that many entities in the world then you probably have other problems.


Same issue here, I don't think this is the entity amount. I checked and the max was ~40 in one chunk with mainly mobs not items.


I have made some adjustments for the next release that should help but i do need to re write some of the logic to make it more efficient.


The new build has been live for a while now. Can i get an update on this issue?