Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Item Dislocator pulls from IE conveyor belts

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


Base information

  • Minecraft version: 1.12.2
  • Mod version: 2.3.12-297
  • Minecraft Forge version: 2709
  • Mod Pack: DW20 with manually updated DE
  • IE version: 0.12-82


I just noticed that the Item Dislocator pulls ItemStacks from Immersive Engineering's conveyor belts again.

Since this was already fixed ages ago, I suspect either you or @BluSunrize changed something recently that breaks the proper interaction.


@BluSunrize nothing changed on my end.


nothing on mine either, to my knowledge :V

I honestly can't remember if I did anything to specialcase against your dislocator. I'll take a look next time I actually get to work on IE ^^


Did some further testing...

The same thing happens with the TE Fluxmagnet.

It works when I throw items manually on the belt. (I think the latest DE update which force sets the thrower did a lot of good here, it was more problematic before.) Items get pulled off immediately when they are put on the belt by a machine.

The Botania magnet ring seems to ignore conveyor belts completely.


Found the issue and fixed in #1154