Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


[Issue"s"] Draconic chest

BadLucKWyvern opened this issue · 4 comments


Minecraft version:1.12.2
Mod version:Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2-
Minecraft Forge version:1.12.2-forge1.12.2-

Im using draconics chest for temporary holding stuff ready to be transformed, like bees in liquid DNA
I am putting bees manualy in the chest with the SHIFT+Click(or double click).
When holding the Shift key, when the chest is around 2/3 full (usualy with shining item) Theres a terrible FPS drop,

The another issue, you're maybe not concerned. But Im using the inventory tweaks mod (wich allow items to be sorted in a single click) Clicking the default sort button with items in the chest only pack them, but not sorting them. The draconic chest is th lone chest wich i have that problem. Is it because the chest capacity size is too big ?


I will take a look at it but I really dont think there is much i can do about the FPS issue as thats just a side effect of having so many render intensive items being drawn all at once.
As for the inventory tweaks issue i need to dig into the IT api a bit to see if there is a way i can fix that.
I think the issue is more likely related to the additional crafting/furnace slots in the ui. Inventory tweaks has no way of telling whats what.


I have been looking into this and it does not look like there is much i can do. The lag im sure is just vanillas item rendering and inventory tweaks really has no way that i can find to add proper sorting support to a chest like this. I cant even move the buttons to a more convenient location.


I dont think its specifically the glint effect on items. I tried completely filling a chest with enchanted books and that did drop my FPS more than say stone but not a lot more.
You mention bees a lot. Have you reproduced this with any other items? I suspect however bees are rendered requires them to read data from the item every render frame and this could cause a lot more lag than the enchantment effect.

Edit: I just did some testing in a pack with bees but didn't really learn anything useful. The FPS is definitely a lot more unstable with bees or enchanted items but not enough to cause any noticeable lag though that may just be because i have a pretty powerful system which makes it hard to test issues that show up on mid-low end systems.