[Suggestion] Ring of Speed, Strength, Shield
shadoxxhd opened this issue · 3 comments
all rings:
-only one of each type can be equipped at a time; any further ring will be deactivated (background of item box turns red)
Ring of Speed stats:
-bauble-able ring that configurably increases moving speed, flight speed and vertical flight speed
-wyvern tier; possibly draconic tier upgrade for flight speed function
-enhancements increase speed (single or multiple enhancements for different buffs?)
-might need energy; draconic armor does this w/o though, so probably not
-buff stacks with armor buff
-doesn't allow flight on its own, but does buff angelic ring/environmental tech flight modifier/...
-draconic tier can be enhanced to prevent knockback (each enhancement reduces by 33/50%)
Ring of Strength stats:
-bauble-able ring that gives the old vanilla strength potion effect, multiplying all damage done
-wyvern tier gives new vanilla buff, adding a few hearts to each attack
-draconic tier gives %-based buff
-both buffs can be infusion-enhanced
-not sure if it should need energy
-additional enhancement?
Ring of Shield stats:
-bauble-able ring that gives a small amount of armor (a bit less than headgear of the appropriate tier)
-normal armor enhancements, but more effective than on armor
-better entropy resistance than armor, but low initial energy storage makes it practically worse than normal gear
-fully enhances draconic variant could have a shield as strong as a slightly enhanced draconic chestplate
-can be enhanced to polarize the shield
-polarization adds one of 3 buffs (can be changed in config; change color of shield; might be enhanced to add multiple??):
-projectile reflection (doesn't take damage from normal projectiles (arrows, blaze/ghast fireballs; wither and up still do normal damage), reflects them back to source)
-push back melee attackers
-area shield (2m-15m radius, configurable, max range depends on total shield strength)
-projectile reflection and melee pushback only reach 100% respective immunity when either armor is equipped or ring is upgraded to max (depends on total shield)
other stuff:
-draconic tools should get speciality enhancements too
-sword: damaging energy wave (like eg. nier automata)
-hoe: makes farmland speed up tickrate (like that botania item (pasture seed I think))
-bow could get its energy arrow from this; energy arrows should be mildly armor piercing and homing (toggleable)
-draconic armor should only get its special buffs after enhancement (anti-poison, strong flight speed boost, strong speed boost, strong jump boost)
-rings should be able to be equipped to the armor, freeing up the ring slot and making the special buff armor-native (fused ring type can't be used in ring slot as well)
Revisiting this, I'm actually making a mod myself called Draconic Additions for 1.12.2, and I was thinking of adding rings that allow you to have a minor shield boost (for a more mid-game friendly approach). These are some good ideas, so I might be taking some inspiration off of these.
@FoxMcloud5655 Sounds like a good idea. I think a lot of these would be better suited to an addon anyway.