Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Crash When Shooting Blue Slime With Draconic Bow

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When Shooting A Blue Slime With The Draconic Bow I Crashed



unable to reproduce... sorry :/


Yes it may be an enchant causing it then


try going into a test world and enchant the bow then hit a blue slime, tell me what happens and if it crashes then I will attempt to reproduce this

Also just to see if a particular enchant is causing this, tell me what enchants were on it


i updated my enchanting mods and it seems to fix it though i am getting weird rendering when holding the bow in my hand and looking at any creature. but not with a bow with any enchantments which means i have another problem to find and i dont think its with the bows but an enchant


actually even just a bow with power enchant on it i'm getting weird rendering.

2015-07-29_12 55 27

2015-07-29_12 55 33

normal bow its just fine

2015-07-29_12 55 39


i should mention i have had rendering problems before with the bow before,but i figured it was something else causing it and im not much of a bow person so i hardly ever use it.

I also have fastcraft in my pack.


if you have AMD drivers then something weird may be going on there. Not sure why, but AMD is known for screwing things up


i have no amd i have nvidia


do you have Optifine installed as well?


no just fastcraft


try without fastcraft, if that doesn't work try updating your graphics drivers


I am also unable to reproduce this crash. Please let me know if you figured it out.


I have not been able to figure it out as it does not always happen so i'm guessing its some problem with the way my GFX Card is handling rendering.


Just out of curiousity, what is name of the card that you have? Also try updating your drivers if you have not done so already, maybe somehow one of the fixes will fix your render issue! :)

If the card is still supported by NVIDIA (driver wise) and the last tip did not work you can try to report the render bug to NVIDIA here; http://nvidia-submit.custhelp.com/app/answers/list and again try reproducing the issue without fastcraft since it does fool around a bit with rendering.


RoloEdits can you list all of the mods you have along with DE? Also, have you tried loading a world with DE and brandonscore as the only mods?


After updating DE and Fastcraft it does not seem to happen anymore