Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Draconic evolution 3d armor models not appearing.

TheDiamondMan3 opened this issue · 8 comments


Base information

  • Minecraft version:1.12.2
  • Mod version:1.12.2-
  • Minecraft Forge version:
  • Mod Pack: my personal pack

Crash report

no report, just some problem.

i really dont want this to be insta-closed but it seems like i am the only one with this problem, for some reason or no reason, when i wear wyvern or draconic armor, the 3d models are just the 2d ones, i have checked if the 3d models are on or off and they are set to on. the models only load if i make npcs from customnpcs wear it or any other npc. this problem is very bothersome, and i literally cant find anything about this. do i have to see if there is an update or what do i do??? i really would like some help with this.


I'll say 4 things:

  1. Your mod version is 2 versions out of date.
  2. Your Forge version needs to be 2811 or higher.
  3. Your problem is most likely because of your modpack. It's not exactly regulated by multiple people, so issues between mods happen sometimes.
  4. Post a log if you can't post a crash report. It helps, trust me.

"disable3DModels" needs to be set to false.
Other than that i cant think of any other reason the 3D models would not work for you other than a conflict with another mod.


Why don't you try listing all of your mods? That way, someone else can test it and see if a mod is conflicting.


No reply from OP


i have this problem too