Game Crash
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When I first ran the mod it seemed to run without a problem, now when trying to load the game with DE as one of the mods the game crashes saying something about Java not working. When I take out DE it doesn't have the problem.
I love the mod if I am able to have it run without problems.
sorry but we need the crash log in order to help as it holds much more detailed information on the matter. Post it on pastebin or and give us the URL to the page with the log
I was playing Minecraft for 30 minutes without any problems, I logged off, put in DE and when I tried to restart the game. CRASH!! Game didn't load. I then took off DE and started the game without a problem.
How do I do that. Thought games were suppose to automatically figure out how much memory it needs to run.
I've tried many different ways to have more. my Minecraft just doesnt like DE as much as me. I dont have any problems with other mods not working.
minecraft by default uses 512 MB which is often never enough especially with mods
in the launcher, go to edit profile (make sure that you have atleast 4GB of RAM or minecraft WILL crash!) and click the box that says "JVM argumentss", in most cases minecraft automatically sets 1 Gigabyte of RAM allocated.. if the box is checked and there is nothing in the box next to it, enter this: -Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy
By the way it is NOT a lack of memory. The window that comes up after the crash has something to do with Java not working because I have DE as one of the mods. In the past I have had over 80 mods work without a problem. I take it down to 65 and try to add DE and BOOM! Java not working problem. I take out DE and OH MY!! no problem could be found.
Maybe you can get this fixed.
dude, I am not the Dev, I am not a pro at java either, however that crash log was a out of memory crash (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space). You also have to remember that some mods use less RAM than others and this mod may have happened to go past the "tipping point" and made java crash. Honestly I don't know what else to tell you because thats what java spat back at you... :/
Mind you, I may very well be wrong so please don't yell at me in the comments...
also, can you tell me exactly what that window says so maybe I can get a good idea of WTH is going on?
One last thing, I was not able to reproduce this issue at all unless I set my allocated RAM back to 512 MB
It loads everything without a problem but when I arrive to the main menu it crashes and I get this message:
Java (TM) Platform SE Binary Has Stopped Working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
Then it takes me back to the Minecraft Launcher. When I try to find a crash report there isn't anything there.
I think I'm done fooling with this mod. Wish it was able to work as I liked what I saw and tested in my test world but now it isnt working.
Your java arguments limit the memory available to minecraft. You are not giving it 2G.
From your log:
JVM Flags: 6 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx512M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M
-Xmx512M means you're limiting yourself to 512M, not 2G of RAM. At some point while playing you simply run out of that 512M of ram.
It doesn't matter what other flags you have Xmx sets max heap size you have available. Google it.
This is not related to this specific mod at all. You will get this error if you pile on other mods.
Each mod adds classes, and often textures for in-game objects, and other handlers. Each of those things take a bit RAM. Some of these take RAM at load, others eat a more as the game goes on. You can only pile so many mods onto the game until 512M isn't enough.
Adjust your java args in your launcher, or remove mods, those are your only options. There is nothing to fix in DE or any other mod that may cause this for you in the future.
I once had close to 100 mods without a problem.... I take it down to 65 and try to have DE and nothing but problems
Number of mods doesn't mean much. There are hundreds of small mods that add only a block, or new colored pick axes. They don't take up much RAM at all. Then there are big mods that add lots of textures, complex AI and chew up RAM like candy. That's why most big packs recommend 3-4 gigs.
Yes DE is on the heavier side of RAM use, but its not alone.
If you refuse to actually take the 10 seconds to asjust your java args to -Xmx2G or more, then good luck. There is literally isn't anything the developer can do.
You are complaining that you can't haul a 1000 tons of gold bars with small wheelbarrow.
I have changed and re-changed all that... DE does not work.... I have had no problems with Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation, Big Reactors, Mekanism and several dozen other mods.
What did you set them to? How much RAM does your PC have, you can't set java args to higher than you physically have?
I have all those mods you mentioned, and more (243 total mods) in my personal pack along side DE.
My PC has 8 gigs of ram, and for java args I use the following and it works great:
-Xmx4G -Xms3G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50
my computer has 4G and Minecraft has 2G to work with.
Maybe my thing isnt right... What thing would you have for 2G?
System says "Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (2.43 GB usable)" This is 32bit Windows 7 Pro. When I had 64bit Windows 7 Pro, it would say something like "Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB (3.00 GB usable)"
I was on 64-bit and Minecraft was having problems so I thought it was because I was using 64-bit so I went to 32-bit
did you have errors of can't "create dump file mini dumps are not enabled on client versions of windows" or something long ago? If that ever happened I know how to prevent it from happening again
I got the computer from my brother becuase he didnt like it anymore and went to a all in one pc. So I was told to reformat to get rid of all his things and that I could have it. As usual he didnt have any of the software CDs so I had to go looking for drivers and such.
Yeah, 64 bit OS and 64 bit Java... Otherwise you've got a gig of ram doing nothing. You may want to spring a few bucks and and get more ram. I'm guessing your rig is older, and older generation Ram is pretty cheap. 8 gigs of ram is cheap on eBay.
XD sorry for deleting that MSG, just allocate 1G of memory and you should be fine! That does sadly mean you have to be careful about putting too many mods that eat RAM like crazy though :/
if I go with the 64-bit I have about 3G RAM to work with. Meaning I can have Minecraft work with 2G and not have a problem, correct?
I suggest no more than 2G if your system can handle that, windows tends to go through 2G really fast and will close MC if it gets too low however as of rn 1G will do you well
OK, thanks guys. Hopefully sometime soon I'll be rolling around with DE as a mod.
I loved this mod when I first downloaded and tested it... Couldnt really figure out how to "wirelessly" transport power to an ME System or machines
Happy modding to you. With some luck, careful java args, and just the right ammount of mod selection, hopefully your system doesn't cry for mercy. I hope it works for ya!
how exactly? pipes? Backpacks? Thermal expansion has tessaracts for all forms of wireless transport (no players though, just items, fluids and energy).
Thermal expansion (tresseract)
Enderio (dimensional transever)
AE2 (quantum link bridge)
I think RFtools has something similar.
Pneumaticcraft drones fly items places
Random things and flaxbeard steam have cannons that shoot items to a target location.
Mystcraft portals + railcraft carts.
I'm sure there are others.
How do I work the dimensional transever? Guess I gota find out through the EnderIO mod
Update: Nevermind, figured it out
I know it exists, I never mentioned I know how to use it ;)
Hit up some wikis or enderio mod spotlight youtubes. Part of the fun is figuring out new toys.
I dont have problems with power, lol... I just had problems with transporting items wirelessly. Didnt want to make tunnels to transport items every where
I now have Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, with Java 64-bit.
I am loading up Minecraft with DE as one of the mods. Hope this works.
Edit: Even after changing the Java thing in the launcher, it does not work :(
Ok so got about half way through this thread and decided to just skip to the end so forgive me if i mention anything you have already tried.
Problem 1 is memory. According to your first crash report your ram was set to 510MB but it looks like you have fixed that.
Problem 2 currently when everything finishes loading and you get to the main menu DE reloads the texture manager which makes the game freeze for a few seconds (some factors can make it freeze for a lot longer) during this time windows sees the program as unresponsive. Normally windows dosnt really do anything about it with the exception of sometimes giving you the OPTION to close the program. But in your case it sounds like windows is automatically closing the program before it has a chance to unfreeze. If that is the case i have no idea how to change that BUT in the next version DE will no longer freeze the menu which should fix the issue completely.
No, there is no need for a snapshot here. Your issue was with memory mainly and possibly windows is closing MC before it has a chance to load fully because of the freeze while textures are reloaded.
OKAY, I have included the new release of DE into my mods. Loaded up the game. Sat at the Main Menu a few seconds, no problem. make a new test world to build the energy storage. when I lay down the first block, BOOM, CRASH!
I am not sure how to read these crash reports but it's here:
So from a non-professional viewpoint, it looks like the changes in energy reporting from the energy storage may be the cause. Will wait for brandon to confirm or deny.
Try starting up a fresh world and see if you can build and store energy and let us know what happens
If you do get the same crash, paste a link here and I'll make sure brandon sees it. Keep in mind it is still early morning where he lives :)
I try to put down the Energy Core in my Test World and crash.
Once again, I have no idea how to read these crash reports. Here it is:
At least im not crashing at Main Menu, lol
This is not an urgent thing that needs to be fixed NOW. when ever he gets to it and releases a new version. I have no problem waiting.
Sorry about that i will release a new snapshot ASAP because that wont just effect you...
Still crashed, here's the report.
Edit: I feel like the bringer of bad news
Sorry about that i for got that i will also need to upload a new version of the core for this fix. Will be uploaded shortly.
Ok may take a minute to get approved but is now on curse
Edit: please lock this topic if it all works out.
I'll let you know when I get the release and If the mod is working on my end.
Edit: OK, got the Core release. Going to test now.
Edit: OK, I went into my test world and Began to build.... As far as I know this topic can be locked, closed, stuck in a vault.
i also got a crash