Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


[1.16] Mod Interactions -- Undying Module deletes inventory upon death

Raidobw2 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Base information

  • Minecraft version: 1.16.5
  • Mod version: Draconic-Evolution-1.16.5-
  • Minecraft Forge version: 1.16.5-forge-36.2.8
  • Mod Pack: (if applicable) FTB OceanBlock 1.4.0

Crash report

N/A, no crash

Description / steps to reproduce

User report:
"When using the Sacrificial Knife with the Blood Altar from Blood Magic while the Undying Module is installed on an equipped Draconic Evolution Chest Piece, you die instead of being kept alive by the module, which activates, and your entire inventory is deleted except for your inventory. No gravestone is made."

Not dying would abuse the Blood Magic mechanic to get blood, so that might not be an option. Unless BM decides to code a plugin on your mod so that the user won't die, but no LP will be generated. Let me know what you think.

Although, the gravestone part not being generated is not normal, and might be a bad interaction with the Undying Module X Blood Magic X Gravestone. Regardless even though that's not supposed to happen, if the player still dies for any reason or bug in particular, I think you should code a default so that items can still be taken by gravestone mods. Or maybe that's not on your side either and rather Gravestone's fault, I really don't know.

Below are versions:
BloodMagic-1.16.4-3.1.5-25.jar (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blood-magic)
gravestone-1.16.5-1.0.7.jar (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod)


See issue linked above ^ if you need pictures. Our user reporting this took screenshots every step.


Issue on BM's end, ^ since apparently it's on BM's side. Keeping this as an artifact for your repo, so that no other users report this or so that you have something that listed it.

>>>I will close this whenever any related/linked issue gets closed.<<<

Otherwise, feel free to close at will.


I think it's safe to say this will be fixed on BM's side.

I have been informed from a fellow modder how to fix this, and I will get it into the next version of the mod.

If one of you was that "fellow modder", thank you for helping them out and getting this solved!