Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Custom Fusion recipes

Endo-Studios opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am currently developing a modpack for 1.18.2 called Chaotically Industrial. The premise is to become god with the chaotic chestpiece. I would like to change the recipe for the wyvern fusion craft, however there is not a guide within the config/brandon3055 folder. I have tried looking at other similar conficts resolved in the issues tab yet none are in or above 1.18.3 version. If I could get an explaination of how to properly do custom fusion crafting, that would be greatly appreciated.


In later versions of Minecraft, recipes have moved towards using datapacks. This is also true for Draconic Evolution. Open up the .jar as a .zip file (7-zip is your friend here) and look through the data/draconicevolution/recipes/tools folder for chaotic_chestpiece.json. You can follow the format listed there.