Duping Method With Wyvern Pick
MrGoobla opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Turn AOE safe mode one. Find a spawner and try to destroy it. It says "Operation was canceled because a title entity was detected." It gives you broken spawners. Sorry for bad wording. Very tired
What version and what modpack or mods are you using with it? That sounds like an item from ender i/o so you may need to contact that dev because it sounds like he is using a different method of giving players blocks in regards to spawners.
I was playing Mad Pack 3. I was hitting a creeper spawner. Then i hit a zombie spawner and it did the same thing
@MrGoobla Can you please explain again exactly what you are doing? I am unable to reproduce this with just Draconic Evolution and EnderIO installed. When I have AOE save mode activated there's no way for me to break the spawner except for setting the size to 1x1 or disabling the mode. And even then I don't get any duped item. How do you break the spawner? Do you have any enchants on the pick?
I was able to reproduce this (duping) behaviour using the versions of the mods included in Mad Pack 3, namely:
- Forge 1492
- EnderIO
- Ender Core
- Draconic Evolution Snapshot 5
- Brandons Core ( as in Mad Pack wasn't available on CurseForge)
- NEI and CCC (just for convenience to get the spawners)
This issue is fixed by updating EnderIO (, but I'm not sure which version exactly introduced the fix, but latest beta works). I recommend filing this bug for the mod pack. Luckily, Draconic Evolution seems to not be at fault here.