Ability to add to OreDoublingRegistry
MikeLydeamore opened this issue ยท 6 comments
It would be very much appreciated if there was some way to interface with the OreDoublingRegistry, outside of registering to the OreDictionary.
In Ex Nihilo/Astris, the broken ores are (deliberately) not added to the ore dictionary, but this means that the Draconic Chest won't double them, even though it probably should.
My suggestion would be to use a List that stores an input, and then call FurnaceRegistry to get the output, then double it.
Do you mean add a list to OreDoublingRegistry that stores additional items to be doubled so that other mods can add things to that list? If so that shouldn't be a problem. I could probably also add a way to register new items to be doubled using inter mod communications. I just have to learn how to use it.
Edit: you can also contact me via IRC at #DraconicEvolution
Here is an example of how to add a recipe:
FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("DraconicEvolution", "addChestRecipe:item.coal", new ItemStack(Items.diamond, 2));
-addChestRecipe:(unlocalized name of the input item)
-The result ItemStack (the result stack size can be any number you want from 1 to 64)
And here is a build with the changes for testing: http://puu.sh/goajW/bc5248fbe2.jar
Also pushed the changes to github
Let me know if you run into any problems.
Here you go.