Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Tinker Construct - Large Blade Pattern

Syclone81 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


How to grade the Large Blade in Draconium and Awaked Draconium? I can not found any discription or anything about this. How can i make this, can u add a wiki or some other documentations, where we can see "how to work with Thinkers in Drac Evo" ?


Those items are added by ExtraTiC not Draconic Evolution, You'll need to ask the author of that mod instead.


for draconium you need wyvern cores, for awakened draconium you need awakened cores. just put the large blade pattern and 8 cores of the material you want in the part builder and you're good to go


ok thanks is see it a wile later ... thats the mod is ExtraTic ;) but thanks for ur answer