cant get souls in creative
Closed this issue · 13 comments
im building a huge automated system and for it to properly work i need to setup some spawners with different souls and the only soul i can get is pig can i know a list of all the mod soul ids so i can atleast givve them to my self since killing mobs to get them is a huge time waster for a creative project
love your work love the mod hope u keep updating it
have a nice day -MRGanboo
You can use the give command like so.
/give @p DraconicEvolution:mobSoul 1 0 {Name:Enderman}
Note that you need to use the registry name meaning the same name you would use with the /summon command.
Just an update, in 1.10.2 its now:
/give @p DraconicEvolution:mobSoul 1 0 {EntityName:Enderman}
In 1.12 there is no such item according to chat error message
There is no such item with name draconicevolution:mobsoul
Yeah an underscore in there works just fine.
/give @p DraconicEvolution:mob_soul 1 0 {EntityName:Enderman}
It’s also in JEI, though I’m not sure if that is true by default or changed by my modpack.
how do i get one with wither skeleton @brandon3055
i get a soul with
/give @p DraconicEvolution:mob_soul 1 0 {EntityName:Wither_Skeleton}
this is the only way i can get any soul, in this case skeleton. But i can't figure out how to get wither_skeletons
/give @p DraconicEvolution:mobSoul 1 0 {Name:Skeleton}
If you search previous issues, you will find in #1044 that brandon3055 already replied with this command:
/give @p draconicevolution:mob_soul 1 0 {EntityName:"minecraft:wither_skeleton"}