Need a way to disable certain blocks.
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I've been working on a modpack Server and I'm trying to remove a certain block from the Mod itself. Disabling it would be necessary as users are abusing of it. I can't seem to find the place in your configs where I can disable such IDs. I'm trying to disable the Sun Dial.
So far I've seen this:
But I can't figure out how it works.
In other words, the block may already has been placed, but I want a way to remove it completely so people can't craft it, nor use them because they'll be gone.
Base information
- Minecraft version: 1.7.10
- Minecraft Forge version: Unknown
- Draconic Evolution version: 1.0.2h
Mod List or Mod Pack (include version)
Modpack: FTB Presents Sky Factory 2.5
Crash report
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
It takes a list of unlocalized names for the items and or blocks you want to disable.
You can find a list of all unlocalized names here:
Example if i wanted to disable draconium ore i would use the following.
S:"Disabled Blocks & Items" <
Note i do not include .name
"Note i do not include .name"
Meaning I must not add it myself?
Alright, let me try out something.
If I need to add multiple items, do I need a comma ","?