draconium block not a valid block for energy core multiblock
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Description draconium block is not a valid struture block for energy core purple and black square
http://imgur.com/Ek35e0D my thought is its not recognizing the Draconian block and when u click creative build it deletes the blocks even tho its correct if i make the smallest one it also is invalid
Base information
- Minecraft version:1.10.2
- Minecraft Forge version:2076
- Draconic Evolution version: Draconic-Evolution-1.10.2-
Mod List or Mod Pack (include version)
... allthemods modpack
list other mods being used
... latest draconic evolution and Brandon core
Crash report
no crash
Yup... i know exactly what the problem is without even looking for it.... Will push a new build later today.