Crash when Fusion Crafting
Medusalem opened this issue ยท 9 comments
When Fusion crafting advanced Discolation Porter the client crashes.
playing on Server or client only is irelevant!
Crash log can be found here:
The Crash report above is from TheDeKay, downloading the mod via curse and with chicken core 2,3,4,89 and code chicken lib 2,4,2,106 crash is happening too, also with the mods up to date something is behaving bad!
When changing the weather to thudner via the Celestial Manipulator.
Here comes a new crash log!
I do have this Issue with the latest version of CodeChickenLib. Which is only 3 days older than the latest version of Draconic Evolution. So I have no Idea what you call way old.
Looks like @covers1624 needs to update curse. Try the latest version here: http://chickenbones.net/maven/codechicken/CodeChickenLib/
Has to do something with multi presence of CCLib.
Does work if I only put CCCore/CCLib/BrandonsCode and Draconic Evolution.
That should also be why it doesnt show an error on load.
Alright. Fixed everything. I assume this can be closed now.
And your CCLib Check should work decently. Except it doesn't recognize multiple CCLib Versions being loaded.
Not sure what you mean there should only ever be 1 version of CCL installed and it should be in the mods folder
Item is irrelevant. Happens as soon as the "START" Button is being pressed and the animation should start.
Update Code Chicken Lib your version is way outdated. Also CCL is no longer an auto downloaded lib. Its a regular mod you have to download from curse.
Now to go find out why it did not detect that you were using an old CCL version and give you the missing/outdated mods message on game load...
The older CCLib wasnt an actual mod so to speak and the new one is registerd as a mod, so hence why Forge dosent detect there being multiples on load and causes issues