Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Advance Dislocator teleporting other players

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello on my friends server we tried to do the teleportation of another player by the shift + left/right click (Sorry I can't remember off the top of my head which one) whilst they were also crouching and we got the error of 'You need a more advance dislocator to do that' message yet we had the Advanced dislocator. Sorry if this is something you are aware of I did a search on "Advance Dislocator" and nothing came up. Is there another tier of Dislocator that we are unaware of or is this feature not implemented yet? Other than that I love Draconic Evolution so much and the staff of power can very easily cut through red matter armor at max upgrades ^_^

Cheers Spell_Master


I should add that this is on 1.10.2 version of the mod in the pack of Wyldlife but we are changing and restarting to FTB lite 1.10.2


Oh thanks for letting me know about that. It will be fixed in the next release.