Celestial Manipulator has "jiterry" animation
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Unlike the video, the animation jumps forward (same for the sun/moon). I'm not sure if this is intended.
Version: 1.10.2-
Edit: Once in a blue moon it has a normal animation for part of the cycle but it eventually begins to skip again within that cycle.
Are you standing within visual range of the manipulator? Also is the manipulator animation smooth?
I am within 10 blocks of the manipulator. The blue and orange spheres orbiting each other is smooth, just the sun and moon spheres are jumping forward (same for the actual sun and moon in the sky).
Odd... Sounds like for some reason time is not being adjusted client side which means the only thing updating the sun position client side is the vanilla time update packed which is only every second or so resulting the the jumping you are seeing. I will have to look into that but first i will need to wind a way to reproduce it in dev because all of my testing worked smoothly.