There are a lot of typos in the Information Tablet.
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Some pages have dots and the end of sentences, some don't.
It wouldn't surprise me if I didn't notice some mistakes. I am not English myself.
These aren't all the pages, just the ones I read until I got bored :)
Have fun finding the mistakes and correcting them.
P.S. <3 the mod. Still my favorite mod after all these years!
No, the info tablet has changed and the data is not stored in Lang files, @brandon3055 will have to explain how he can create a pull request.
I will fix these when i get around to it. As for pull request. You could theoretically make a pull request to update the raw xml on the Project Intelligence repo but that would be very painful. When i get around to finishing this there will be an in game editor which anyone can use to update/add documentation.
You will then simply push the updated xml to the repo via pull request.