Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


NPE on Rendering Screen

robaimes opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Crash Log

Reported to me by a couple of users - They were connected to a server, and putting items into the fusion crafting core caused this crash.

Happened a few times, but not consiistently.


I've found that this doesn't appear to be directly a DE issue. It's occurred on all forms of GUI's since this isntance. For exmaple, a vanilla chest: http://pastebin.com/RhzcYLzw

Not sure what the direct cause is, however it has something to do with shift-click functionality. Leaving open in case there is an issue anyway.

Edit: SpongeForge was apparently the issue for servers, although no trace of it in any logs. (Also, not sure why it would crash clients?) Sorry for the hassle.


I suspect the server was just doing something dumb that the client was not expecting. Such as setting an item stack to null.