Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Chaos Guardian vs Wyvern Armor

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments


Hello there,

i think i got an issue with the Chaos Guardian. I play on an server which is Running FTB 2.6.0 MC1.7.10 with DE 1.0.2h.
When i wear the Wyvern armor i dont have any chance to kill this beast. 1 to 2 hits and i will be dead. Also the capacitors wont work (testet with 30pcs all focused to armor, in singleplayer).
I noticed that the blue bar in the hud isnt moving, when i get a hit. A zombie could kill me in 2minutes.
I have a full enchanted wyvern armor and every piece have 3 "update-cores".
So is it my mistake or is something else wrong?

greetings from germany


Your suppose to have draconic armor to take on the Chaos Guardian


ok so im forced to do the ressurection thing. cause i waste the heart for only one awakened draconium block XD. but whats the wyvern armor for? if i could fly faster i think i could kill him. But the angle ring isn't that fast.
But so thats not an issue, just a misunderstanding.


Just remember you need 4 ender crystals to summon the dragon in 1.10 and DE changed the recipe slightly