Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Infusion crafter stops at 88% charging

KaiKamakasi opened this issue ยท 15 comments


Issue: trying to craft draconic cores the infusion stops at 88% charged, i had come across this before when applying upgrades to wyvern armour but it seemed to fix itself when i changed the armour piece to another or by breaking and replacing the crafting core.

how to replicate: see video

Minecraft: 1.10.02
mod pack: sky factory 3 3.0.1

happening on my hosted server

youtube link: https://youtu.be/xtZonLP5ttk


Can also concur but with the wyvern fusion crafting injectors recipe, which stops at 62% charge. None of those suggestions fixed the infusion and still stays at that charge. This is happening on version 1.2.1 of the DW20 modpack.


Are you sure all of the injectors are properly powered?


The charge will be directly proportional to how many injectors have power. Meaning if only half of the injectors have power it will only charge to 50%


not really sure how this was the case but you were indeed ofcourse, correct @brandon3055 i was using the flux points from the flux network mod, at 240k rf/t i thought these would be sufficient, perhaps a note in the tablet that says how much RF/t is needed per? i know it say how much is needed per infusion but unless i've missed it, it doesn't say that each injector requires a specific amount of RF/t, at the very least perhaps a note saying 'if the fusion 'freezes' try a better cable'


The RF/t is not important. If it is too low it just will not charge as fast. Unless there is a bug somwear.


I couldn't say if it is a bug exactly, but the flux points didn't work (which after checking it supplies 256k rf/t) using another cable which supplies 320k rf/t running directly from a pylon to the infusers, if anything given that now the infusers are receiving 320krf/t divided by 6 rather than 256krf/t per infuser, yes I know the individual RF/t doesn't matter as you say, but that is the transfer rate, theoretically the cable that now works should be slower, I know the power supply wasn't a problem as in both cases it was being supplied directly from a pylon with a core that has over 700bn RF stored.


Same issue here. Attaching a Flux Point directly to the Crafting Injector does not work. My workaround was to attached Ender Energy Conduits to the Injector and then attach a Flux Point to the conduit.


Just did some testing and it seems the Flux Networks mod is a steaming pile of bugs. Switch to a different energy network and see if this still happens.


I was using a flux point for a Awakened Core. It stopped at 88%. I tried removing it and replacing it, no luck. Tried removing the nether star and destroying the fusion crafting. Comes back at 88% and still frozen. Unable to get it started again. Doesn't seem to be taking in power.

I was able to reset the device by destroying everything. I put a 25M capacitor on it. It started from 0% and went to 88% and then stopped pulling power.


Also seeing this on Awakened Draconium at 85%. I used to be able to do Awakened Draconium, but it's not working now.

EDIT: I moved a Core from one Fusion crafter to another, which set the power down to 71%. The crafter went back up to 85% and then stalled again.

EDIT 2: I swapped in a different Core to another crafter and that immediately started the crafting process and finished the item. After additional testing, it seems like that was luck. Sometimes that works, most of the time it doesn't.

I'm getting this bug on every recipe I've tried, now.


After more testing, I discovered that one of my fusion crafters was missing power. Adding power to it fixed the problem.

User error! Although an error message would have been much appreciated.

Thanks for the fun mod!


i have no problems with flux network but i play on a server, when the server restarts or crashes
the flux get reseted and thats so crazy :( i have like 100 thing on my island so i use the draconic ev wirless power things


and it worked :D


Had the problem trying to power an injector from behind directly with the flux plug, only worked on the ones powered on the sides.


@stomppnsmash That sounds like the conduit you used may be buggy. I suspect its attempting to inject power into the opposite side of the block from the side its placed on.