Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Draconic Energy cores terribly broken on server reload *EXPLOIT*

Anaerin opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Tier 7 Energy core. When first assembled, it accepts and provides power as expected.

After a server restart, the charge is fixed at the value it was before the restart (406BRF, in this case), with 0 RF/t transfer, despite power going both in and out. You can pull power out of the ball, but the total never changes, meaning you have effectively infinite power. You can also insert power, but get no credit for it. Breaking the stabilizer and re-forming the core doesn't help.

I believe this also happens on chunk unloading, but I haven't verified that.

Pertinent info:
Modpack DW20 1.10.2 v 1.4.1
Version: 1.10.2-


As an additional note, breaking and re-creating the pylons (Or at least,breaking the glass ball and replacing it) fixes the issue for that pylon.


Seems to be related to Issue #552. I get this same behavior when logging back in after a while logged off. Seems to be related to the energy pylons.


This should be fixe in the next release. Let me know if you still have issues.