Celestial Manipulator stopped working
mrtomwolf opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Playing Sky Factory 3 but I've updated a bunch of addons.
Issue: Celestial Manipulator was working. I'm using it with the rain sensor and a not gate to keep a storm as power source.
(not sure if related) I traveled to an rftools dimension and used /weather clear and learned that weather commands doesn't work in those dimensions.
When I came back it was sunny and I couldn't get the Manipulator to change the weather. Commands worked still.
Destroying and replacing didn't work.
When I threw it away and put down a new one, that one worked like a charm.
This sounds extremely unlikely considering no vital data is stored on the item and i could not find any issues. Fort now i think i will just write it off as one of those random unexplained mysteries. But let me know if it keeps happening and i will take a closer look.