Crash when rendering with shaders.
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I typed @Draconic in JEI and crashed with this hs err pid7256
Seems the JVM crashed in native code whilst attempting to render with shaders, try updating your graphics card drivers.
@covers1624 they are up to date, i even checked on intel's auto updater app and website
@covers1624 just a note, Draconic worked for me on windows 10, but when i downgraded to 7 (due to other reasons) it no longer works, i did test on other versions and i can render in items but the second i scroll JEI tab over it crashes
JEI has nothing to do with this, This has to be purely due to your drivers being out of date or not supporting specific OpenGL flags, The last one seems like the most likely option. My guess, Intel dropped support for some parts of OpenGL on windows 7 so downgrading your drivers may be an option also.
it should support it tbh
@covers1624 i dont have optifine or shaders installed so is that title still accurate?
Shaders is a broad term in 3d rendering. A shader can do both vertex transformations (moving things in 3d space) and fragment transformations (modifying colour, texture coordinates. ect..). DE uses a shader to Generate the texture used by the crystals, So yes the title is accurate. Most users define a shader as something fancy or an extera thing that happens / improvements, When in reality is just a really really fast way to do transformations, lighting and other post processing effects. Your Graphics chip can support almost always what the driver tells it to, If the driver does not fully support OpenGL due to windows 7 then you may be limited to what it can support because of the newer drivers not supporting windows 7, Getting your full launch log will also help as that prints out some data on launch about OGL.
@covers1624 ive just noticed #682 would me changing that setting "fix" my issue??
@covers1624 will try again
@covers1624 this is with latest build
Can you launch the game with Mojang's Jar launcher so your log generates properly please?
Or better yet, MultiMC. Mojangs new native launcher conflicts somewhat with FML's special formatting of log files, it also doesn't spit DEBUG or TRACE to the file for some reason..
Log 1 JAVA 7
Log 2 Java 8