Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


draconic evolution energy storage wont output energy

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments



i have 2 energy pylons and both have a basic energy i/o crystal, but it wont output energy to anything it doesnt even show charge on the one probe mod

Base information

  • Minecraft version: 1.10.2
  • Minecraft Forge version: 1.10.2-forge1.10.2-
  • Mod Pack: not a mobpack, i put it together myself

Crash report

it didnt crash

sorry i meant the draconian energy ball won't output energy


Do you have the crystals and pylons in the correct io modes? Please post a screenshot of your setup.


ok so here is my setup for the draconic energy ball
2017-07-07_21 21 48
the reason the basic energy io crystal has power is because i am using a extreme reactor that is connected directly to my machines
also when i look at the energy pylon, the one probe says that it has 0RF


Ahh because with the output pylon placed where it is the glass needs to be placed on top. If the pylon is bellow the center of the core then the glass must be placed on top, If it is above it must be placed on the bottom and if it is on the same y level then it can be placed on ether the top or the bottom.


I know this mod pack is kinda older but I need help from someone that can help if possible. I have the right setup and it looks like the original post but the pylons are right and I cant get any energy out from the energy core thing.


Please don't necro old issues. If you need help, join the Discord and many people can assist you.