Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Possible error in code with lolnet badge enabling and display

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In reading the code for draconic-evolution I came across some code that I think is in error. The result of which impacts the display of lolnet badges.

in src/main/java/com/brandon3055/draconicevolution/client/gui/toolconfig/GuiToolConfig.java line 89 you have

 contributor.patreonBadgeEnabled = !contributor.patreonBadgeEnabled;

From reading the code I think this line should be:

 contributor.lolnetBadgeEnabled = !contributor.lolnetBadgeEnabled;

Then in src/main/java/com/brandon3055/draconicevolution/client/render/entity/LayerContributorPerkRenderer.java line 59 you have

 if (contributor.isLolnetContributor && contributor.patreonBadgeEnabled) {

From reading the code I think this line should be:

 if (contributor.isLolnetContributor && contributor.lolnetBadgeEnabled) {

I think that the existing code means that if you are a patreon contributor and a lolnet contributor you cannot select to display just the lolnet badge or just the patreon badge.


Ahh yes thankyou for pointing that out. Will be fixed in the next release.