|1.12| Cryo-Stabilized Fluxduct and Energy Pylon
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cryo-stabilized fluxducts aren't connecting to the pylons, but other Thermal Dynamics ducts will connect correctly
Base information
- Minecraft version: 1.12
- Minecraft Forge version:
- DE Version :
- Mod Pack: RagnaMod IV
Crash report
no report availlable. but first reported here : https://github.com/CoFH/Feedback/issues/497
Did you check pylon and glass is placed right? If pylon is above the center of energy core glass needs to be under under and vice versa. If it is not placed correctly cryo-stabilizied duct can not connect to pylon.
well, without touching anything, after few days, energy transfert works now, the only thing that remains, is a "graphic issue", cable is graphicly not connected, but with a lot of magic, my setup is now working. Minecraft Rules. xD
This "may" be fixed in the latest version as i implemented the missing forge energy capability. Though that really should not have been an issue.