Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


1.12 Spawner issues

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


Running 1.12- version.


Couple issues with spawner:

  1. This might be an issue with something else since Resturbed spawners are also doing it. Spawners won't spawn passive mobs. This was working before but seemed like it stopped when I upgraded to from

  2. When looking at a spawner there is no HUD showing information on it like in the past.

  3. Right clicking with a nether star or an Enchanted golden apple do nothing. Not sure if this was changed and I just can't find info on it. It seems like the spawners are ignoring players and light level on their own.

Base information

  • Minecraft version: 1.12
  • Minecraft Forge version: 14.21.2443
  • Mod Pack:

Never mind I think I figured it out. I couldn't find any information on this but looking through the source code it looks like spawners were changed to have their spawn requirements and player requirements based off the tier.


There is info about the spawners in the DE ingame info tablet.