Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


amount of blocks needed for tier 8 in guide

resinate opened this issue ยท 5 comments


number of blocks needed to make ball is wrong lol, it takes WAY more than 384 awaken blocks lol


It is also possible you ran into the same issue I did tonight where the pack I am playing ATM3, has it configured so that you need less Draconium and more Awakened than the book says you need or so it seems. Excerpt from the packshelp-desk in their discord when I asked them about it.

[2:01 AM] Shisuka (Xargling): So was the tier 8 draconic power core altered in ATM3 to need more Awakened Draconium than the tablet says it needs? (want to ask here before I report to mod author)(edited)
[2:50 AM] Yoosk: Yes
[2:51 AM] Shisuka (Xargling): Cool so we weren't crazy when we had all the right stuff but not enough


Ahh yes i forgot about that. If hard mode is enabled it does use the old more expensive structure.


What mc/mod version are you using? This was changed a while ago and the doc was changed aswell. Its possible you are using a version from before this change.


im using newest one for 1.10.2

lol should be other way around lol


Looks fine to me. Have you tried building it? The core is now solid draconium blocks with an awakened draconium shell.