Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Pickaxe of the Wyvern is really loud compared to other picks / tinkers tools

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I have just made this pick for the first time and it seems extremely loud compared to all other tools, to the point where I have to turn my sound off to use it

  • Edit, It only seems to be when using it in the 3x3 mode, I think it is breaking all 9 blocks and then giving the noise from all of them at once? this might of been fixed in a later patch but unfortunately not in FTB infinity

Base information

  • Minecraft version:1.7.10
  • Minecraft Forge version:
  • Mod Pack: FTB infinity evolved

Crash report


Right.. Because you are breaking 9 blocks at a time. It plays the sound over the top of each other. This is an intended feature, just turn down the specific audio channel.