Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


[Suggestion] Item Dislocator and Solegnolia (Botania)

Discomanco opened this issue ยท 1 comments



A suggestion to allow Botanias Solegnolia to block the drag from the (Advanced) Item Dislocator.
I requested the same for Reliquarys magnet some time ago, which was implemented (P3pp3rF1y/Reliquary@6d4b08c)

I know you have a magnet blocker of your own, but it is a tad expensive if you need to cover large areas, like your entire Conveyor Belt (IE) area.


I looked into it and it is probably doable but there is no simple way to do it without adding botania as a compile-time dependency which i dont really want to do for something simple like this. Especially since the functionality already exists in DE.
As for IE belts i have added support for those which will be in the next release.