Draconic Evolution

Draconic Evolution


Expensive end crystal. Why?

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments


Why does Draconic Evolution make end crystals require a nether star instead of an eye of ender? A lot of mods use end crystals in their recipes, and Draconic Evolution ruins those mods.


Well, one, automating nether stars is extremely easy with the draconic grinder, and two, the dragon hearts for the mod need to be tougher to get


A lot of recipes in other mods that are supposed to be cheap now require a nether star, which is ridiculous. Maybe dragon hearts should be obtained in a different way.


That may be, but the reason they are used in this mod are for good reason as a gate to higher tier stuff, maybe talk to the other mod devs and ask them to change their recipe.


If you dont like it then ether use minetweaker to modify the effected recipes or disable the recipe change in DE's config. Stop Complaining about an issue when you have already been given the tools to resolve said issue.