Dragon Mounts: Legacy

Dragon Mounts: Legacy


Feature request

vinnyg0621 opened this issue · 11 comments


the dragons need to be able to breathe fire! so that's why I am requesting a feature to make dragons breathe fire. you can make them breathe fire when you're riding on it


Kay9Unit has already confirmed this isn’t happening. Unless he changes his mind, you could use Dragon Mounts 2, Realm of the Dragons, Ice and Fire: Dragons, or Dragon Mounts 3 for that feature. Or if you know how to code add that it.


I can only use those mods on 1.12!


I'm just so sad this isn't happening. life is just so unfair!!!!! 😭😭😭😭


Dragon Mounts 3 is planning to update to more recent versions. You just have to be patient. Or use Ice and Fire: Dragons or Lycanites Mobs.


ok. I'll be patient


and I like the dragons most with 4 legs and 2 wings


Lycanites Mobs has those kinds of dragons and you can use this for vanilla style:


Where does this keep coming from. I never confirmed once breath weapons weren't happening. Im working on that feature right now.

Please don't send false information, please find the legitimate source of this before sharing it with everyone else.


To clear up the confusion, DM2 was not the birth place of the breath weapons. the mod simply inherited code from an unreleased version of the original, something I'm also doing, as well as implementing more modern alternatives to fit the dynamic system of breeds as well as increase performance.

Our older comments do reinforce the fact that we don't wish to implement DM2 content, that's true; but like I said breath weapons were a concept of the original.

I apologize for the confusion there.


The DM:L page says you won’t be adding content from DM2, and so far that’s the only dragon mounts mod (aside from DM3 but at the moment I consider them the same thing) that has dragons breathing fire.
“This is NOT Dragon Mounts 2, nor will it ever be. I do not plan to add content from it.”
Also, quite a few older comments from you and 13SunRaes say there will be no dragon breath.

But aside from that, I’m sincerely sorry for the inconvenience.


It’s fine. All that was my bad.