Dragon Mounts: Legacy

Dragon Mounts: Legacy


Aether Dragon has Incorrect Texture

LuigiDOTexe opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I was experimenting with the mod, and I hatched one of each Dragon, but I noticed the Aether Dragon looks really different than what I remember from the original mod. I checked Dragon Mounts 2, and the Aether Dragon there has the right texture.
This is what the Aether Dragon looks like for me:


And this is what it looks like in Dragon Mounts 2/Dragon Mounts Remastered/the original mod:


I am not sure why it has a different texture? Was this intentional, or some kind of mistake? I want to think it is a mistake because the wings are the same as the original, but the rest of the body was changed. The egg texture is also different. I had Dragon Mounts: Even More Dragons installed, but I removed it to make sure it was not causing issues, and the Aether Dragon still looks wrong. I'd love for this to be fixed; the Aether Dragon was by far my favorite design and I think this texture is a huge downgrade.


They have remake the textures


They have remake the textures

I'm not quite sure I understand your reply. Are you saying they had to remake the textures? Or that they have remade the textures?

If it's the former, why would they need to remake only the Aether Dragon's textures? And why would they change it so much?

If it's the latter, why would they change only the Aether Dragon and not the others, especially if they're trying to "embrace the legacy"? Either way, it really doesn't make sense to me, especially with how jarring the textures look for the current model.

The wings look noticeably lower-detailed (almost textureless besides some basic 1 color lines on the webbing) and clash a lot with the more dull colors of the body, nor does it really fit the "Aether" theme anymore.



That what they put on cf pages. So it's not strange to make an update for aether dragon alone.



That what they put on cf pages. So it's not strange to make an update for aether dragon alone.

It is, though? Why would they update it? It didn't need fixing, and none of the other Dragons were modified like this. It doesn't make any sense, especially if the devs are trying to keep close to the original and "embrace the legacy."

And even then, if they wanted to change the design for whatever reason, there's certainly better designs they could've gone with that reflect the Aether theme. The current model just looks unfinished with its borderline textureless wings.