Dragon Survival [Forge]

Dragon Survival [Forge]


[Bug]: When a weapon breaks in Dragon Inventory, Item in main hand disapear.

Hiirome opened this issue · 0 comments


■ Your Discord ID


■ Dragon Survival version

DragonSuvival_TreasureUpdate-1.16.5-0.9.2 (in Dragon Survival Young Modpack v1.30)

■ Minecraft version

1.16.5 (Default)

■ Single game or server?

Single (Default)

■ Do you delete old configs before writing a bug report?

Nope (Default)

■ Do you play pure MC + DS and Geckolib or do you have some kind of modpack?

I have other mods

■ Describe the bug

When i broke a sword that i put on my claw slot in my inventory, a stack of torches i was holding in my main hand disappeared, like if the torches themselves broke. The bug happened a few time with torches, a stack of guardian spikes, and items looted in the heat of combat mostly, but i don't remember each times. Since i use the Sea Dragon's natural shovel, i never was able to test with shovels, and the stone axe i use since the beginning of my run hasn't yet broke.

Edit : I was able to test with a axe in claw slot and flint in the toolbar, the bug didn't happen. I may be misremembering for the pickaxe, i'm going to test.
Edit 2 : Redid controlled tests, it happens only with the weapon in claw slot. The instance i thought was happening with a pickaxe must have been me misremembering.

■ To Reproduce

1 - Put a weapon in the tool slots of the Dragon Inventory
2 - Have a an item in the selected slot of your toolbar
3 - Use the weapon in claw slot till exhaustion of durability, breaking the tool
4 - Watch the selected item in your toolbar disappear

■ Expected behavior

Normally the weapon breaking in dragon inventory shouldn't affect items in the toolbar.

■ Crash Report

No response