Dragon Survival [Forge]

Dragon Survival [Forge]


[1.18.2 Forge Bug]: Crash on loading save

CoreDeep opened this issue · 0 comments


■ Your Discord ID

Core Deep#7771

■ Dragon Survival version

Dragon Survival 1.18.2-1.4.19
Play as Dragon-1.1_RU modpack

■ Single game or server?

Single (Default)

■ Do you delete old configs before writing a bug report?

I always delete configs

■ Do you play pure MC + DS and Geckolib or do you have some kind of modpack?

I have other mods

■ Describe the bug

I was doing some construction work inside of a desert villager town. While I was digging up some sand/replacing with cobblestone, the game crashed. Now, when logging into the saved game in single player, the game loads up until the first tick/frame, then the game immediately crashes.
Attached further down are 3 crash logs. The first crash, and 2 made when trying to load back into the save.

■ To Reproduce

The world file is 745MB. I can send that over if you want?

■ Expected behavior

The game loads from save successfully and runs.

■ Crash Report
