Dragon Survival [Forge]

Dragon Survival [Forge]


[1.18.2 Forge Bug]: Dragon abilities casting twice per use, consuming double the normal amount of mana on servers

Maximiliano-Zerecero opened this issue · 0 comments


■ Your Discord ID


■ Dragon Survival version


■ Single game or server?

Forge Server or host

■ Do you delete old configurations and check the Wiki before writing a bug report?

I always delete configs

■ Do you play pure MC + DS and Geckolib or do you have some kind of modpack?

I have other mods

■ Describe the bug

Whenever i cast a dragon ability, once the charge time it's up, it consumes twice the mana, even if i didn't had enough, and creates the effect twice

■ To Reproduce

Enter a server with the modpack, cast a dragon ability with enough mana or experience for do it twice and see how the resources get depleted even if you only did it once

■ Expected behavior

instead of casting twice the spell and subtracting and consuming that amount of mana, it should only happen once

■ Crash Report

No response