Dragon Survival [Forge]

Dragon Survival [Forge]


[1.19.2 Bug]: Slow wolf/dog and Foxhound and no breeding

CaptianCarrot opened this issue · 4 comments


■ Your Discord ID or other contacts


■ Dragon Survival version

Play as Dragon Gothic Edition-18.05.2024.zip

■ Single game or server?

Self-made dedicated server

■ Describe the bug

I have 3 tames i got, 1 wolf and 2 foxhounds and i noticed they were moving at a snails pace after they were tamed. at first, i thought it was all the speed boosts i had, but on further investigation i realized they were just extreamly slow. ive tried to find if someone else has had this issue, and only found a single post from 2018 for basic minecraft with no comments, suffering my same issue.

i checked in a single player world with no items other then the required to tame, as dragon and as human, and they still wouldnt move more than a crawl after they became tames. my only thought ia that the dogs are somehow croched or something, but that still doesnt explain why they wont breed even when fed accordingly

if this is just me not completeing a quest i looked over or pressing a key bind for a mod that does this, i would be happy to undo those things and sweep this under the rug, just shout at me how to fix it

(i also have a videa of them moving, but apparently its too big to share)

■ Crash Report File and Logs

No response


1 additional note, they will momentarily move quickly and breed after i pet them with quark (shift rightclick), but then they (and their children) continue being slow shortly after


I have discovered the issue

Quark set "pat_the_dog" "wants love" ticks to 90, meaning that with a high refresh rate would make that happen in less than 6 seconds

as much as i love petting the dogs, i cant do it every 2 seconds, so ivwe increaced the time between ticks to 900, and will close this ticket after testing this and sharing the results.


Problem solved.

for future people with this issue in this pack, i recommend either;

A) accessing the quark config through in game settings
B) accessing the "quark_common" file in the "config" folder

and adjusting the "Dogs want love" variable in "pat_the_dogs" setting to either -1 or something high like 900-9000 so they do not always require attention

if this was intentional on the part of the modpack creator in order to nerf dogs, it would have been nice to have that added somewhere in the quest tree or something similar, and i will happily set my setting back to the default so i can get the intended experience. hope all have a wonderful day


ive discovered that this is an attribute from Quark, so now i can begin a propper investigation. will still take any advice or tips