Dragon Survival [Forge]

Dragon Survival [Forge]


Dragon Knights and Minecolony guards don't get along.

Wilevar opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I'm not sure if it's because the Knights count as hostile mobs that get attacked by the guards, or if the knights are hostile to the guards. Either way, the knights keep killing Minecolony guards. I am not marked as an evil dragon, they don't attack me. Just the Guards are having issues it seems.

Minecraft: 1.16.5
Dragon Survival: 0.0.43
Minecolonies: 1.0.0-RELEASE-universal
Forge: 36.2.0

(Of course if this is intended and the knights won't tolerate local peasantry guards getting too close to their prince/princess, then I'm prepared to be an evil dragon to protect my people from these self-righteous invaders. :p)


I figured out that Minecolonies registers them as hostile targets to attack. I don't know if there's a simple tag you're missing that makes them default to being seen as hostile, or if it's a default in Minecolonies that they would need to be set. Their system seems to handle recognition of other passive mobs/neutral mobs, so I thought I'd let you know that's what's happening. ^_^

For now I can just toggle them as non-targets at the guard stations to stop my guards from attacking them.


Thanks, we'll investigate this : )


Open Minecolonies config and add all dragon hunters to the ignore list. In Village Guardian mod, I solved this problem this way.


I just looked through the Minecolonies configs, Server and local, and didn't see a global ignore list, but I can enable/disable aggression toward specific mobs via an in-game UI for each guard tower/barracks, so it's still doable. In that list, searching for "dragon" shows:

  • Magical Predator
  • Dragon Hunter
  • Ender Dragon
  • Princess
  • Dragon Knight
  • Dragon Squire
  • Dragon Knight (again, presumably a variant)
  • Princess on Horse
  • Prince

If I read the update notes right, the Hunters should be considered hostile regardless because they only appear if you're marked evil, right? And of course the Magical Predator.

Anything else I need to look for/know to set things appropriately?


If dragon hunters ("dragonsurvival:hunter_hound", "dragonsurvival:knight", "dragonsurvival:shooter", "dragonsurvival:squire", "dragonsurvival:prince", "dragonsurvival:princess", "dragonsurvival:princess_entity") become attack initiators, then you need to check any other mods. For example, improved mobs makes hunters aggressive (in normal game they don't attack first unless you have evil dragon effect or bad omen). If, on the contrary, defenders from Minecolonies attack them first, you need to add them to the whitelist. I don't know about Minecolonies and I don't know what config you need to use.

-improvedmobs config

Only magical predators are the initiators of the attack.


I see what you're talking about. So far as I can tell, Minecolonies doesn't have a whitelist or blacklist for guard aggression in Config form, but instead opted for an in-game UI to toggle aggression. So I've adjusted for that in-game.

As long as only Magical Predators are aggressive by default, I'll just tell the guards to only be hostile toward them unless I later decide to be evil for some reason. :p

I think the only reason they're added to the guard's lists must have to do with the difference between "Monsters" and "Mobs" in minecraft code. I'm also running Pokecube, and none of the hundreds of mobs in that are even in the list as potential targets.

Since these guys can be hostile under the right circumstances, noting that they'll need to be set as non-targets for Minecolony guards is probably the only real solution other than tagging them as animals rather than monsters.