[BUG] With Every Compat, there are duplicates of some doors.
mageowl opened this issue ยท 1 comments
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- If the issue seems to affect only one mod, report to them instead of here.
- Remove Dramatic Doors to see if they are causing the issue before reporting.
- If you crashed, please paste the crash log to gist and link it here.
Important Information
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Mod Loader System: Quilt
DramaticDoors Version: 3.2.8
Describe the bug
With Every Compat, some doors have duplicates which are just tinted oak doors. This applies to both tall and short doors (not vanilla ones).
To Reproduce
- Install Every Compat, Nature's Spirit, Dramatic Doors, and EMI
- Search for "Fir Tall Door"
- There are 2 different items (one from everycompat and one from dramatic doors)
Expected behavior
Every Compat would not add tall doors that already exist.